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Norwich Model Yacht Club

As a brief introduction to the club, the germ of which was sown way back in 1988,  we sail from The Barn Café on Whitlingham Great Broad at Whitlingham Country Park, Trowse, Norwich, NR14 8TR which can be found to the south of Norwich

We are very fortunate to have available to us the excellent refreshment facilities within The Barn Café

We are affiliated to the Model Yacht Association and regularly sail the International One Metres, Marbleheads, 6 Metres and the DragonFlite 95 class

We sail 3 times a week - on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays starting at 10am

We are always pleased to welcome new sailors and encourage anyone who is interested in learning more about  radio sailing to contact us ( details on the Contact Us page) or turn up at Whitlingham on a Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday morning

Club Officers

Chairman & Secretary   :  Vinnie Zammit

Vice Chairman : Stuart Reynolds

Treasurer  :  Duncan Ellis

Committee Members :  Derek Jones and Barry Graver.

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